Mr. Rajender Jain, a successful businessman ventured into the business of Bentonite in the year 2007. This innovative idea marked the beginning of Bentonite Mining and there by pioneering the manufacturing of wide varieties of Bentonite Products.
The people behind the organization have been in the field of Bentonite since a decade. We have an extensive experience in the fields of mining to manufacturing, and deal with different types of products such as Fullers earth, Activated Bleaching earth, and Sodium Bentonite.
Our Team always strives to be the best with the world’s leading minerals organization along with maintaining sustainability and development of the business.
Improving the relationship with clients by providing excellent services for further progress of our esteemed clients.
Delivering consistent and superior financial results for our investors and providing long term growth, with a virtuous reputation and a sustainable business.
Understanding social and corporate responsibility and thus work with natural resources in a manner that it has no negative effect on the environment and also on the native populations of the region where we work.
Our organization is highly diversified in the products and markets in which we work. We hold a diverse portfolio of high quality minerals and mineral products.
MME entrusts safety first. Our people are important resources and we protect them in every manner.
No work is carried out in a manner that jeopardizes their safety. Safety is every one‘s responsibility in regular activities.
Trusted by our clients. We build trust with our clients by cultivating appropriate values in our organization; strong emphasis on commitment and accountability for individuals and teams. Our success involves setting up competent team of people working together, diverse in their back grounds and expertise.
Our long-term experience dictates us to be accountable and to do the right thing. We are proud of our work performance; we care for our people and the environment and are determined to protect them at every step.
Co-operation & Co-ordination is our strength. Timely decision making, working in team with full transparency, allocating resources to maximize our business potential are our forte.
We believe that standardized, automated, instrumental manufacturing processes with scientific testing methods are important criteria in the competitive market to run the organization smoothly.
We specialise in intelligent & effective Search and believes in the power of partnerships to grow business.